
little more than a rundown electric plant, this place is a haven for machine-type digimon, although there's also some rather dark and scary places where other, more sinister digimon like to lurk.
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a small forest that some claim is set up rather like a maze, beast and insect type digimon find this home the most comforting, the occupants usually content to play with visitors, though they have gotten more aggressive in recent months.
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a large mountain with some fairly strong digimon, this is a home for many beast and bird type digimon, most of whom are content to let tamers be unless they feel threatened, in which case they will defend their home.
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possibly formerly a water treatment plant that has since been through a flood, a few machine-type digimon hang out inside, though it's more well-known as a good place to train on some lower-level aquatic digimon.
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an imposingly large mountainous area that's a favorite of higher-level dragon, beast, and bird digimon, this area has some pretty strong digimon and it's recommended that beginners don't venture inside for their own safety.
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a maze of wetlands that stretch on as far as the eye can see, the majority of the aquatic digimon that reside here seem content to use the numerous whirlpools for transportation, though the insect and plant types don't seem to feel quite the same way, preferring to stick to the land that juts out.
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Local Information

the first handful of areas connected to the server and the ones whose connection was not lost after the virus infected the servers, this area is for tamers of all levels, though it's recommended that people train rookie or champion digimon in these areas.
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