
the main lobby has been left pretty empty since the virus disrupted normal life, the result of the mercenary digimon being deleted and the partners degenerated to rookies, thus making the usual tournaments near impossible.
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there are many different waiting rooms, one for each of the existing tribes, and they're all rather comfortable, allowing for a prime view of the matches that take place in the arena below.
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a large room hemmed on all sides by waiting rooms, the battle arena is designed for as many as nine mega-level digimon to move comfortably so that they can fight for the amusement of both the people back home and the other Tamers waiting for their own turn in the arena.
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Local Information

the tamer colosseum is located on a very small island located to the south, a small building frequented by all tribes and used for rendezvous for inter-tribe missions and for the bi-monthly tournaments between all the tribes.
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